Sunday 6 May 2012

An introduction of ancient Pompeii

By: Emily Whale
Ancient Pompeii has developed into a place of worldwide fame for the incredibly particular drama that must have taken place at some point in the golden era of the Roman Empire.

The notion of an erupting volcano, in the company of clouds of fluttering black gas along with dust, a rainfall of pumice stone as well as lastly rivers of the molten rock are well for the most excellent Hollywood tragedy and drama.

Ancient Pompeii is discovered around 100 years ago. In addition the fame of Pompeii has been guaranteed by means of the enormous range of objects which have been conveyed to light, numerous of which stand as an observer of a highly developed civilization. For instance, entire sets of the surgical instruments are in numerous ways equivalent to the instruments that are utilized by the surgeons these days: The time-freeze that has been brought about through the lava of the volcano has in a true sense saved this city from the devastation of time that would have or else come about.

The metropolis of Herculaneum followed a related fate as well as is possibly a little less acknowledged, furthermore has returned its artifacts, which are at least equivalent if not greater in superiority to those of ancient Pompeii (even though in smaller quantity).

With the exception of the immense art treasures as well as testimony of life all through Roman eras, ancient Pompeii has permitted us to study various other aspects of the Roman empire which would have otherwise been impossible for studying, for instance the categorization of the Roman wall paintings in four different styles is completely based on the various elements that are found at ancient Pompeii. We can normally witness four levels of categorization, which are truly based on a comparatively small window of the time.

In addition, ancient Pompeii has yielded numerous surprises. Furthermore the Romans of ancient Pompeii and various other cities of prosperity were definitely not immoral; on the other hand sense of morality of the ancient Roman was by no means the same as the one which was composed all through the Christianized middle eras.

To majority of the Romans, nudity was by no means well regarded as well as in fact on this particular topic they were moderately stricter, moreover they believed that the actors are the base for the common prostitutes. It has been many times found that prostitutes had their individual unions as well as could perform their trade rather openly. Furthermore, paintings of nudity were perceptibly rendered adequate in the homes of the rich by ensuring that they are representing popular mythology for instance the affair in between the Gods, the Mars and the Venus, which was being found out by her spouse Vulcan.

A noticeable and apparent dissimilarity was the phallus, which generally the Romans believed as an absolutely acceptable representation of luck, fertility, and plenty. All of these qualities were personified all through a goddess known as Priapus. A number of Roman symbols were cautiously put away inside the "secret room", which is now a part of Naples museum. In addition, this room is opened occasionally to the visitors that too under specific request.
Article Source:

Friday 9 September 2011

Reality or fantasy? Legends of Verona

By: Lia Contesso

Spending some days in one of the hotels in the centre of Verona, is a perfect way to dive into its history and know its legends: some stories already made the tour of the world, like the one of Romeo and Juliet, and others that the people of the city gladly tell to the tourists, curious to get to know the city they are visiting.
Both in the centre and in the nearby periphery you can hear interesting stories: staying in a hotel in San Michele Extra, for example, you will be able to hear the story of the Montorio Castle, which is said to hide a book of command, while in the hotels in the centre of Verona you will hear stories about the arena and other historical places.

The books of command were said to be very common in the past times, but the story goes that they have been destroyed along the centuries by the priests, who burned them: the story goes that they were full of magic formulas, and possessing them you would have been able to command the elements, fly, find would have been like getting some superpowers. One of the last book of command which have survived to the fires, then, would be in the surgeons of the castle; the surgeons, though, would also hide a passage which would bring to the arena in the city centre: the hidden passage would be some kilometres long, and its entrances are unknown as well as its constructor.

The legends of the city centre, of course, aim to the majestic arena, telling that it would have been built in only one night: the people of Verona, in fact, desired an arena in their city, and a man condemned to death, in his last night, receive a visit of the devil, who proposed to build an arena that night in change of his soul. This would have saved his life, and the man accepted: but as soon as he saw the demos working he repented, and spent the night praying Our Lady to save his soul. Some minutes before the dawn Our Lady, feeling a sincere repentance, satisfied the man’s prayer and made the bells ring the Angelus melody: the demos ran away at that sound, even though they still hadn’t finished their work. Hence, the arena remained incomplete, so that the devil could not have the soul of the man, but the work done was already enough to save his life.

Then, there’s the enormous rib hang from an arch in Piazza delle Erbe, and no one knows whose rib it is: maybe a pre-historical animal? Last only because everybody already knows the story, there’s the legend of Romeo and Juliet, which tells the story of the unlucky love of the young children of two rival families, who died for their love: the story gets confounded between history and legend, handing down stories and still showing the places in which the most renowned love story in the world would have happened.
Article Source:

Saturday 9 July 2011

The Fashion Capital of the World - Milan


Unlike the Mediterranean climate in most part of Italy, due to its geographical position, Milan enjoys a humid subtropical climate with some continental features. In summer, it is hot but humid, with an average temperature varying from 14 to 29 degrees and thunderstorms at the same time. In winter, the temperature ranges from zero to 8. The winters in Milan are relatively mild but foggy and snowfalls are quite common.

Milan Fashion Week
The status of Milan in the fashion industry can be seen clearly from the semi-annual fashion week held by Milan. During February to March each year, it is the Spring/Summer event and later from September to October, it is the Autumn/Winter event. Therefore, Milan is the world’s focus which will be mentioned many times in the breaking news during these two events.
The Milan Fashion Week was established in 1958 by a non-profit organization ‘Camera Nazionale del Moda Italian’ which in English is The National Chamber for Italian Fashion. This organization is dedicated to promoting Italy’s fashion and hosting the fashion week.

Apart from fashion and tourism, Milan is also well-known for it football as it is the home of two leading football clubs in the world, namely AC Milan and Inter Milan. There have been numerous talented football players who had ever played for them. The team song of AC Milan ‘Milan Milan’ is a lot of people’s favorite.

The love to football is not limited to Milan of course. The country of Italy has won the World Cup many times in history.

The Duomo
If there is one place you can never miss in Milan, it is the Duomo which is the Milan Cathedral. The Gothic cathedral took five centuries to complete and is the fourth-largest church in the world.

No matter how many times you have visited here, the first glimpse of it will give you the sense of awe and shock as it is too grand, too majestic and too glamorous.

Milan, as other cities in Italy is much more experience than other European countries. So hiring a car may not that cheap as in Spain. Car hiring companies like Avis, Sixt, Opodo, Enterprises, Europcar, Hertz, Carhiremarket, MyCarHire, and Expedia will take care of your car rental needs considerately.

Sunday 12 June 2011

The Islands of the (isole) Lagoon: Murano, Burano, Torcello

Se sto  a Venezia per qualche giorno, potrebbe essere molto interessante per aggiungere un giro delle isole al vostro programma di viaggio, alla scoperta di luoghi unici, che sembrano appartenere ad un'altra epoca.
Murano è probabilmente la più famosa isola della laguna, e deve la sua fama al processo tipica del vetro soffiato: è su questa isola che tutti i laboratori dei produttori di vetro hanno concentrato fin dalla fine del 13 ° secolo, quando tutte le fonderie sono stati trasferiti qui da Venezia per evitare il pericolo di incendi. Da allora l'arte del vetro si è sviluppata e le creazioni in vetro di Murano sono ormai conosciuti in tutto il mondo. Al fine di comprendere come vetrai riescono a dare alla luce il loro meravigliose creazioni potrebbe essere interessante per visitare uno dei loro laboratori e guardare mentre creano gioielli, vasi, ornamenti, ecc

Tuttavia, Murano non è solo vetro: in passato, e soprattutto nel 16 ° secolo, Murano è stata molto vivace e animata, ed ha ospitato palazzi, ville, chiese e monasteri. Questi edifici, insieme alla conformazione della stessa isola (sorge su sette isole di Murano ed è attraversata da un proprio personale Canal Grande), rese l'isola simile ad una piccola Venezia. Oggi non ci sono molti degli edifici e delle chiese del passato, ma quelli che sono sopravvissuti sono certamente merita una visita. La Basilica dei Santi Maria e Donato ospita un pavimento importante mosaico, la Chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli è caratterizzato da un campanile alto (31 metri) del 16 ° secolo, mentre la Chiesa di San Pietro Martire è impreziosito da opere di alcuni di Bellini e di da lampade in vetro. Tra le attrattive delle isole ci sono anche il Faro di Murano, il gotico-bizantina e veneziana Palazzo da Mula e Palazzo Giustinian, che ospita il Museo del Vetro.

Il tour delle isole della laguna prosegue con Burano. Mentre Murano è famosa per il vetro fatto a mano, Burano è famosa per la produzione di merletti fatti a mano, che si è diffuso in questo settore a partire dal 16 ° secolo. Un'altra caratteristica tipica dell'isola è data dalle case colorate: ogni casa è colorata con un colore diverso e molto luminoso, che porta gioia solo a guardarla. Inoltre Burano, come Venezia e Murano, è costruita su varie isole che sono collegate tra loro attraverso ponti e canali, ed era di una sepoltura di un canale che Piazza Baldassarre Galoppi, il cuore della città, è nato. A Murano vi è una sola Chiesa, la Chiesa di San Marino, che è famosa soprattutto per la "Crocifissione" di Tiepolo e per il campanile pendente.

La terza isola, Torcello, divenne, così come Murano e Burano, un rifugio per le popolazioni di Altino durante le invasioni barbariche, e in passato era una delle zone più fiorenti e popolose della laguna. Oggi Torcello è la patria di decine di persone solo pochi, ma molti turisti visitano l'isola per godere del suo patrimonio storico e artistico, che comprende la Cattedrale di Santa Maria Assunta, con il suo mosaico bizantino raffigurante il Giudizio Universale, la Chiesa di Santa Fosca, una rara esempio di una chiesa a croce greca a Venezia, il Museo Provinciale di Torcello, il cosiddetto "trono di Attila" e il "Ponte del Diavolo", uno dei ponti più antichi di Venezia.

Saturday 4 June 2011

An Overview of Historical Islamic Mosques in Egypt by Ismail Abaza

Cairo is known as the City of 1,000 Minarets because of its many mosques. Many of these mosques are open to visitors, and in fact, Cairo has an ongoing program for the restoration of ancient mosques, a few of which ranks as some of the oldest to be found in the world. Certainly some are the grandest to be found anywhere.

Many visitors to Egypt, who arrive with even a meager interest in this architecture and a slightly open mind, and particularly those with a creativity streak, will be awestruck by their beauty and design. Yet, and unfortunately, many western visitors may completely bypass these wonders of a very different civilization. For many others who do wonder into an ancient mosque or two, their lack of knowledge regarding this art form will often result in a short, cursory examination lacking substance.

Mosques, and Islamic architecture in general, unlike western architecture, varies more between different geographical regions then it does between historical ages. Scholars tell us that this is at least due in part to the rapid initial spread of Islam, as opposed to that of Christianity, which was suppressed during its first several hundred years. Christianity had the opportunity to develop more common architectural styles in its formative years, while Islam spread through a vast territory quickly where the use of local building material and ideas by local craftsman and architects created very distinguished regional variants.
Yet, because Egypt has seen many influences from any number of different ruling empires, including Abbasid, Fatimid, Ayyubid Mamluk and Ottoman and others, and because Cairo specifically is a city of the world, Egypt offers a fair overview of mosque styles. Furthermore, its mosques date from the earliest periods of Islam up to and of course, including modern varieties.
The Salah el Din Mosque on Roda combines an Ottoman ground plan with Mamluk decorations

Some mosques in Egypt, and particularly Cairo, are actually complexes that include a number of other structures that may, or may not be found attached to other mosques. For example, many mosques include an Islamic school facility, called a madrasa. Others may have mausoleums and tombs, and even hospitals (maristan), along with other structures within the complex.

Thursday 19 May 2011

The most famous oasis in Egypt

The most famous oasis in Egypt, that of Siwa, is located 300 km south of Matrouh, near the border with Libya. Siwa is one of the most picturesque places in Egypt, situated on the ancient trade route of the historical dates ending in Memphis. The people of Siwa speak Berber dialect and have a culture different from the rest of the country. Lush and productive, the main attraction is made up from the oasis of Siwa itself and its lakes. A small museum, said House of Siwa, contains a small exhibition of garments and traditional tools.

The territory

Siwa is the westernmost of the oases of the Egyptian desert (latitude N29 14 25 32 E longitude), located 550 km from Cairo as the crow flies (but almost 800 km on paved road), 300 km from the Mediterranean and only 50 km from the border Libya. Set in a depression between 12 and 60 feet below sea level, is easily accessible from Marsa Matrouh on the Mediterranean coast, through an asphalted road. The landscape is one of the most picturesque in the country: after miles of desert, Siwa appears as a "mirage", surrounded by its famous plantations of date palms and olive trees dotted ee large salt lakes. The oasis covers about 82 km from east and west with a width of about 9 km to the west of up to 28 km in the east. In total an area of ​​about 1200 km2. The depression of Siwa and its lakes are the remains of an ancient sea, then evaporated, which stretched up to the ى. This explains the high salinity of the soil of the oasis and the numerous appearances of fossils is the oasis in the desert environment.

The northern border of the oasis is characterized by rocky cliffs and hills through which the conical flat stony plateau that extends south from Marsa Matrouh sudden decline in depression green oasis. The southern boundary is determined by the expanse of sand dunes that stretches to the Gilf Kebir and Libya and is the beginning of the Great Sand Sea Sahara.

In addition to the town of Siwa, where he resides most of the inhabitants, there are other scattered settlements in the oasis of which the most important are Aghurmi, al-Maraqi, Khamisah, Shuruf and Abu al-Zaytuna. There are also many salt lakes of which the most important are the Siwa lake and that of al-Zaytuna, which begins near Jabal al-Dakrur and extends for more than 25 km with an average width of 5 km.

People and History

The whole of the oasis of Siwa, which is also part of the small oasis of El Gara, is a human reality, environmental and historic extremely peculiar. Known since antiquity, Siwa has experienced the presence of Egyptian, Roman, Hellenistic, Byzantine, Arab, and then fall back, more or less from the High Middle Ages, about herself, encouraged and protected by its geographic isolation. Berber groups, from the Maghreb, were imposed in the meantime in terms of population and economy were based on principles largely self-sufficient. Siwa was, however, on the route of the caravan routes that passed from the sea to the Middle Nile and continues to play an important trade and cultural links with the nearest oasis in Libya. This relative isolation has allowed the Berber tribes, who settled in the area many centuries ago to keep alive their culture and traditions, most notably language, Siwi, which is still the main language of the oasis. The permanent resident population in the Siwa amounts to about 20,000 people, including about 14,000 in Siwa town and only 350 in El Gara.

Inhabited during the Paleolithic and Neolithic, little is known of the Siwa during thousands of years that saw the development of Egyptian civilization. Some believe that Siwa was the capital of an ancient kingdom which included El Gara, Arashieh and Bahrain. There are clear evidences about the integration of Siwa in the empire in relation to the Egyptian 26th dynasty (663-525 BC) and it is believed that the construction of the temple dates back to the Oracle at the time. To this period also seems to date from the earliest tombs found at Gebel Mawta, a rocky hill near the center of Siwa perforated by various tombs from the Pharaonic period onwards. By the sixth century BC on the Oracle of Amun in Siwa acquires great reputation throughout the Mediterranean world and more and more pilgrims came to consult the oracle in the oasis. The most famous of these was that Alexander the Great in 331 BC, having conquered Egypt and founded Alexandria, undertook a journey in the Libyan desert to Siwa to visit the temple and consult the oracle from which he was proclaimed the son of Zeus Ammon .

Subsequently, Alexandria became the capital of Ptolemaic Egypt and the last descendant of the line was Cleopatra VII. After she and the Roman conquest, the Emperor Augustus used to send prisoners and enemies as in the Siwa oasis cos ى further south, turned into penal colonies. Uncertain and much discussed is the hypothesis if Christianity has spread in the oasis but there is no evidence in this regard.
Islam comes to Siwa in 708 D.C. with Ibn Mousa Noss, a general Amr Ibn El As, the Muslim conqueror of Egypt. The Siwan fiercely resisted the attempt of conquest, starting cos ى a long period of resistance and struggle. The original settlement of the population of the village of Siwa was Aghurmi, where is the temple of the oracle. However, after several raids by Arab and Bedouin tribes, the population of Siwa was reduced to a few units and it was therefore decided to abandon Aghurmi in 1203 to found a new fortified village, the current Shali (Siwa language that means "city ").

Because of its remoteness and isolation, Siwa was long a small independent republic, ruled by the heads of the tribes that lived there. The history between the thirteenth and eighteenth century A. D. was mainly characterized by internal struggles between the eastern tribes, regarded as originating in Siwa, and the western tribes, who settled in the oasis from Libya and later. Unable to integrate foreigners, Siwan have never accepted the travelers. The first European to visit the oasis was W.G. Browne at the beginning of 1792. He followed F. Hornemann (1798) and F. Cailliaud (1819), who later wrote the first scientific report on Siwa. All suspicious and met a hostile reception from the population. In 1820 Mohamed Ali, governor of the Ottoman Empire and founder of modern Egypt, began its campaign to slow the conquest of the western oases and even sent troops to Siwa, which was subdued after a short battle and forced to pay tribute to the new government. Followed, however, directed against the government representatives of Siwan, instigated by the influence of fundamentalist Islamic movement in El-Sayyid Mohammed bin Ali el Sanusi, a Muslim mystic born in Algeria. These, after a trip to Mecca had returned in the Libyan desert, had founded his order is made up numerous religious centers (zawiyahs), first in Siwa oasis and then in other western desert, coming to control most of the Western Desert.

The Siwan cos ى found themselves in a difficult situation, caught between the central government and the Egyptian Sanussi, in the western desert that represented the real power. Sanussi I continued to influence the oasis for many years and made it an important staging point for caravans that transported goods from Libya and slaves to the east. Some of these slaves were purchased from Siwan and their descendants still live in the oasis to form the black population. During World War Siwa is located between the Italians who colonized Libya, for which the Sanussi Siwan sympathized and supported the Ottoman Empire and the British who had colonized in the late nineteenth century Egypt. After several failed attempts to Sanussi, who had already occupied and Bahareya Farafra, Siwa also took in April 1916. The British then regained the various Siwa oasis and also resumed in February 1917 after a battle with Sanussi.

During this time, Siwan could not help but take refuge in the tombs of Gebel Mawta and welcome any invader from time to time impradoniva oasis. After the end of World War I, Siwa beginning to be tourist destination and the English captain Hillier built a small hotel near Gebel Mawta and begin to organize trips and safaris from Cairo and Alexandria to Siwa. Even during the Second World War Siwa play an important role in the hostilities. It was occupied for a long time by the allied troops made up of British, Australians and New Zealanders, then bombed by the Italians, who controlled Libya and occupied it for about 4 months and then taken by the Allies. During the period of Italian occupation, the Feld Marshal Rommel also visit the oasis. Since the end of the second world war, the Egyptian government has maintained Siwa closed to foreigners because of its proximity to the Libyan border, the military attach the utmost importance. E 'was only reopened in 1986 but is still very evident the presence of the military.

Other initiatives have been taken to better link Siwa in Egypt and the rest of the world: in 1985 it was paved the road from Marsa Matrouh to Siwa making it much easier and faster journeys to and from the oasis. In 1987 he was introduced to Siwa and television since 1990, a new electrical system provides electricity to the whole oasis for 24 hours a day.

Life and Culture

Social structure
The population of Siwa is organized in 11 different social groups, and 1 in the small oasis of El Gara, they belong to all those who live permanently in the area. These social groups, or tribes, as they are commonly called, are all local, except one, composed of Bedouins once settled there in the oasis. In the latter there are the foreigners who move to Siwa. The internal bond of family and social group membership is generally transmitted through the male line, the marriage can take place both inside and outside the tribe, subject to the principle that children belong to the father's social group . The tribal system of Siwa has been handed down over time by many centuries. The tribe of Aghurmi is believed to descend from the inhabitants of the oasis at the time of ancient Rome, the other tribes have been established between the eighth and the fifteenth century and in the sixteenth century they were more or less established as they are now. The main changes are occurring at the level of those sub-tribes that have been promoted to the rank of tribe as a result of the number of members of the community compared to others.

With the exception of race and tribe of El Aghourmi, the others are not localized on a specific area for the residence and cultivation. Each tribe is ruled by a sheikh, who was elected with the consent of all members of the community, whose decisions are always taken after consultation with representatives of the same social group and in harmony with the thought of the community, have a normative value for members of the tribe itself. The major function of this social structure is that relating to land management, particularly the allocation of those uncultivated. The allocation of land is made by the sheikh to members of the community. The sheikh is also responsible for debts incurred by members of his tribe, and can take action to dispose of the debtor's assets, usually portions of arable land equal to the amount of debt. Another important function performed within the social group is the settlement of disputes, for which a cost is always predictable. The office of sheikh is attributed to the individual from the time of his appointment until his death and the appointment of the new sheikh can occur only by unanimous decision of the tribes. The strong sense of belonging to the individual's social group, and the consequent desire not to arise in conflict with it, contribute to the organization s ى that still represents the nerve system of relationships between individuals inside the oasis.

Contrary to what usually happens in similar social structures, the tribes have not, oasis, an area of ​​relevance, but are distributed in space across the oasis. The only exception is the population of El Gara, representing a unique social group that shares the same well-defined space. A characteristic of the traditional society of Siwa was the prohibition to marry before a certain age imposed to the caste of have-nots (zaggala), employed as laborers work in the fields. They were forced to live segregated from the outside of the town, in the palm groves or caves, where they led a promiscuous life, spending her evenings at parties, dancing and drinking labgi, a fermented beverage extracted from the palm. These living conditions favoring the spread of homosexuality had been institutionalized so that true "homosexual marriage". Today, these practices have practically disappeared, and zaggala are best known for their songs that cheer every party and are also recorded on tape and circulated in the oasis and elsewhere.

In Siwa culture and Islamic traditions have always given very conservative women to a condition very secluded and almost reclusive. In the early centuries of Shali, Siwa when the population was living closed in the walled city, women were not allowed to leave the city to go in palm groves. Only later in the fifteenth century had been added in the walls of a special door for women cos ى could avoid passing out from the ports used by men. Even today, married women can not leave the house except to visit family and friends and attend weddings and funerals, can not go out alone but always accompanied by a male in the household (a child) often on a cart pulled the ass, and when they go out must completely cover from head to foot with a mantle called traditional or tarfottet Milay and even the face should be completely hidden by a black veil for no man other than the family can see them in the face. Because of these prohibitions, all fees and living expenses outside the home are made by man or by children. Only very young girls and adolescents enjoy greater freedom in recent years and the girls not yet married can go out alone and also work, such as teachers in schools or in craft workshops for women. Marriage for women is a very young age and is determined by the families. In the past, ceremonies and wedding celebrations lasted a week with a very precise ritual while today they are reduced to two or three days. The wife joins the family of her husband and mother-in-law who is subject to the highest authority within the home.

They are however very frequent divorces often due to conflicts that arise between the daughter and mother-in-law, the sterility of his wife or even with superstition and magic practices widespread in society Siwan. The culture is very secretive of Siwan s ى it is rare for a foreigner to be invited home, and although there is still the reception is done in a special room that has a separate entrance from the rest of the house to prevent the steps from guest 'inside the house. During the visit, the women did not show anything, if only the girls in the family. Siwan I believe that these traditions against women contribute in a fundamental way to preserve the Siwan culture from outside influences that are penetrating more and more to Siwa.


The special ecological oasis has allowed a highly specialized and reduced agricultural production, based on olive trees, date palms and alfalfa, and reduced activity as a cattle farm. Other types of vegetables and fruit are produced in small quantities and for overriding local use. The great abundance of water for the oasis presents the risk of flooding the farmland and reach the vast expanses of salt that can be found on its edges, making the fields infertile. This requires a constant drainage of water and a regular control. Apart from agricultural activities and agro-food related to the production of dates and olives, there is a scarcity of Siwa industries. The only exception is represented by the two factories that produce mineral water (one owned by an Italian / Egyptian and an army). Recently the army has opened a carpet factory that employs about 50 young women not yet married.

Tourism is a sector of great importance with the presence of some 10,000 tourists a year, of which 6,000 are foreigners, and the availability of approximately twenty hotels of different levels. There are several restaurants and shops that rent bicycles and dozens of shops selling handicrafts, local and other areas in Egypt. There are also approximately fifteen individuals or groups that offer services such as guides (including stays in the desert for several days and visits to other oases of the Western Desert).

Archaeological and historic sites

In the capital of the oasis, Siwa Town, you can visit a little museum of culture, the Siwan House, built thanks to a Canadian cooperation project and structured along the lines of traditional houses in kharshif (a mixture of mud and salt blocks) and which keeps clothes and culture as Siwan galabeya and embroidered shawls, jewelry, carpets, traditional pottery and household utensils. The city center is dominated by the ruins of the fortified village of Shali, founded in 1203 as defense structure as a result of a violent attack of the Bedouin leaving only forty survivors throughout the oasis. The houses were built in kharshif (building material more plentiful and readily available in the oasis) pressed against each other because of lack of space and the roads were really narrow alleys with little air and light, in which he could barely move an ass load at a time. For a long time Shali had only one door, on the north side, then it was added to the south near the olive press and a third for the exclusive use of women. The main gate at the tribal chiefs would meet each other and in turn elected the village head. Until 1820, the tribal chiefs had forbidden, for security reasons, to build houses outside the walls of Shali because the city had grown in height by adding a floor to housing families as they became more numerous. Some of the houses came cos ى 6 or 7 floors. After 1820, making the situation more secure because of the statement of the central Egyptian oasis, the prohibition was abolished and they began to build houses outside the old town. The sloping, winding alleyways of Shali has been gradually abandoned by its inhabitants in the late 800 and 900 until the start of the rains in 1926 attacked furiously for three days on holiday in kharshif and made permanently uninhabitable.

As he left the family home in Shali and moving into a new home took away the wooden structures of the doors and windows and beamed ceilings and this has accelerated the deterioration of old buildings in kharshif. On the hill of Aghurmi, four miles east of Siwa, the ruins of the Temple of Amon del'Oracolo, built between 663 and 525 BC the XXVI dynasty during the reign of Amasis. The temple still has interior sidewalls and with the remains of inscriptions and decorations while the roof has completely collapsed. In ancient times, many important visitors on their way to Siwa to consult the oracle of Jupiter Ammon. But the visit was Alexander the Great in 331 BC, which gave immortal fame to the oracle of the oasis. Here before him Cambyses had sent the famous army of 50,000 men with a mandate to destroy the oracle: the immense army never came, and disappeared into the sands of the desert, then, is one of the great mysteries of history and of ' archeology.

Around the temple of the oracle are also the remains of the mosque and unaantica of mud and stone houses of medieval and later periods. Aghurmi near the ruins of the temple of Umm el-Ebeid, always dedicated to Amon and built around 350 BC during the reign of Nectanebo II, which was connected to the temple of the oracle by a large stone paved road that was a single religious complex. The temple was still in good condition but in the early nineteenth century and then in ruins because of an earthquake, and especially because one of the first governors of the Siwa blew up with the explosion in order to use the stone blocks to build the house. Today the temple has been partially restored but still standing, only parts of a wall with decorations and hieroglyphs. Nearby is also the source of Cleopatra, a pool of spring water in stone called cos ى in recent times as a tourist but whose original name is the source siwano Guba. This source is also mentioned by Herodotus as the "source of the sun" and in the past was a tradition that the brides were to purify this source in the morning of the wedding day.

A kilometers north of the city lies the hill of Gebel al-Mawta, the "mountain of the dead." This perforated the limestone houses many tombs of the XXVI dynasty and the Ptolemaic and Roman period. Four of them are decorated with inscriptions and paintings, and one in particular, the tomb of Si-Amun, has kept very vivid colors and images. The other three are the tomb of Mesu-Isis, the Crocodile and the tomb of Niperpathot. In some of these mummies have been found and some tools. In the tombs of Gebel al-Mawta had found shelter the population of Siwa during the bombings of World War II. Rock-cut tombs are also present in many other areas of the oasis as Bilad El Dahab and Rum. In the oasis, there are other small villages and interesting as Abou El Shrouf Zaytuna, with natural springs, ancient ruins and abandoned villages, and Maraqi, near which were found the remains of a Doric temple and that an archaeological expedition the declaration of the Greek in 1991 to be the missing tomb of Alexander the Great. After further study and analysis of this claim was quickly denied by the Egyptian archaeological authorities.

Natural features

The variety of landscape and its wealth of water in the area (there are today about 200 springs that bring water from underground to the surface) have contributed to various different types of habitats, allowing the development of multiple animal species and vegetables. Summarize the different habitats that are found in the area are the following:
- All beaches: characteristics dunes and plains of the Great Sand Sea.
- Highlands and Plains: spacious gravel plains, where vegetation is dependent on a few winter rains.
- Precipice and "wadi" means the crests and troughs in the edges of precipices common are an ideal place for nesting of different types of birds, and a safe haven for gazelles and other mammals. The dry beds of streams (wadis), are characterized by a flora dependent on seasonal rains.
- Oasis: in depressions where water goes underground to the surface, there are human settlements and the presence of animals that can count on the availability of fresh water. Date palms and olive trees are the predominant tree species.

The area has a variety of wildlife that can be so described
- Reptiles and amphibians were identified in the Siwa region of 32 species of reptiles and two amphibians.
- Birds have been recorded in Siwa 164 species of birds, of which 26 are migratory, wintering in the area and the remaining 68 are occasional.
- Mammals: gazelle, fox, oryx

The oasis of Siwa is surrounded by Protected Area was established in 2002 as a project of the Italian Cooperation. The protected area covers a total of 7800 km2 is to the west and the north and east of Siwa and environmental characteristics, botanical and faunal characteristics. Two interesting places to visit in the western part of the protected area are Shyata, salt lake surrounded by vegetation among the rocks and sand dunes, and Bir Wahed, the source of hot water that gives life to a small oasis and a lake fresh water on the edge of the Great Western Sand Sea.

Other small uninhabited oasis of Siwa are to the east, along the road from Siwa to Bahareya. Areg is located 175 km east of Siwa in a depression surrounded by steep slopes of access. There are two sources in the Pharaonic period and was inhabited and cultivated, but later abandoned. The rock formations are interspersed with rock-cut tombs in the Christian era have been inhabited by hermits. Subsequently, the oasis has been a haven of Bedouin robbers.

Bahrain is located further east and can be reached via a track which branches off to the south after the 3rd check point of the road to Bahareya. The oasis consists of two very beautiful lakes and is surrounded by walls of rock, some palm trees and sand dunes. Even here there are rock tombs and in 2004 an Italian archaeological expedition has discovered the ruins of a temple of the XXX dynasty with remains of paintings and hieroglyphics. This is one of the most important discoveries of recent decades in the Siwa.

Other small oasis in this area is uninhabited and Sitra Nuwamisa with salt lakes and palm trees but unfortunately infested zazare in the evening and night hours.

El Gara

About 130 km north east of Siwa on the edge of the Qattara Depression is instead the oasis town of El Gara, which could be likened to a miniature of Siwa in a few decades ago. El Gara fact consists of an ancient village in kharshif built on a rocky hill and now in ruins and abandoned but very interesting to visit and where you can enjoy excellent views across the oasis. The few inhabitants of El Gara, about 400, have moved to newer houses in the plain below. The oasis also includes a variety of sources, a salt lake and gardens of palms and other crops that constitute the livelihood of the inhabitants. The oasis has been inhabited since dal'antichità and it seems that Alexander the Great passed from the ى during his trip to Siwa. El Gara is very isolated, even by the presence of military checkpoints in the area, no line or telephone at constant electrical power but only occasionally provided by a generator. None of the inhabitants of the oasis has a car or other means of transport except the carts the ass. The inhabitants are a single tribe led by an elderly sheikh who, together with the whole community welcomes the offer of tea dates and the few visitors. In addition to farming, the only other source of income of the population is the production of traditional baskets made of palm leaves, decorated with colored yarn and fabric, which are sent to Siwa to be sold in craft shops. Access oasis can be done either on a road which branches off from the road from Marsa Matrouh or dirt track from the oasis of Siwa.

Folklore and traditions

The Siwan Berbers are descended from and are closely related to the customs and language of North Africa. Some have red or light hair and blue or green eyes. Siwa is closely linked to Libya, and many families have relatives in villages and oases across the border. Others are descendants of African blacks brought the oasis in past centuries by caravans that traded slaves. The original language Siwan is a Berber dialect, very different from Arabic. Siwan I learn in the family as their first language and then studied Arabic at school. The Siwan language is only passed down orally, there is no written form.

The means of transport is the most common of Siwan cart pulled the ass. It is used daily for transportation of people and equipment, agricultural products, and goods of all kinds. It 's very common to see donkey carts carrying the whole family or a child accompanying led by married women are completely covered by tarfottet. The camel is not, however, present in Siwa and has a tradition of local transport. Was and is still used by nomadic Bedouin population that lives in the desert for long journeys and for Siwan, which are sedentary oasis, has always been more useful to the donkey.

Until the beginning of '900 most of the population lived in traditional houses in Siwa kharshif. This type of housing had the property of being warm in winter and cool in summer because they had mud walls and very large rooms and then had an insulating effect. They were not equipped with running water but only a toilet "dry". They were built according to climatic criteria to take advantage of the properties of the environment and climate siwano: small windows to limit air exchange, and then hot and cold, with the external orientation of the house from north to south with the north-facing front door to let in fresh air currents, the common room to the south and winter with a fireplace, a large room with two large side doors to the north and south of the village where men would gather to keep cool, talk and drink tea, the roof beams made of palm wood and covered with straw and mud to increase the thermal insulation.

Friday 6 May 2011

luxor in breve

 Nessun ciità nel mondo ha tali ricchezza ed antichità dell'umanità conservata come è stata in luxor. Questa città antica è una vecchia parte “thebes di cento porti„ che ha accolto favorevolmente gli ospiti da tutti i paesi del mondo antico circa 670 chilometri di sud di Cairo, luxor ancora attrae i migliaia degli ospiti. ogni passo prendete copre un zona storica e ogni pietra richiama una leggenda.
 Nessun altro posto nell'Egitto ospita tanti monumenti e tombe egiziani (intorno 7000 tombe). È uno
 dei posti più attraenti dell'Egitto per i turisti che cercano sia l'avventura che la conoscenza.

La valle dei re
Sulla banca ad ovest del Nilo dove il sole copre la città dei morti “la valle dei re„ che i Faraoni hanno scelto come loro posto di riposo eterno. Contiene tantissime tombe di cui le scoperte hanno stupito il mondo finora.

 La valle dei re nell'Egitto superiore contiene molte delle tombe dei Faraoni dal nuovo regno, compreso il grande Ramesses . La tomba di Tuthmose III, del Horemheb, la tomba di Ramesses VI e la tomba più ben nota è la tomba di Tutankhamun che è per quanto sia stato famoso l'unica tomba che si è trovata sana poichè evidentemente era rimasta nascosta fino alla sua scoperta in 1922. Ciò era in effetti di un Faraone molto secondario che è stato assassinato all'età di 18 - i tesori nelle altre tombe devono essere abbastanza inimaginabli.

 Potete vedere le loro tombe ammobiliate & decorate con le pitture che sono simpoli della storia di vita dei re, delle sue battaglie & della vittoria, voi potete vedere le loro bare dell'oro, l'alimento & una varietà di bevande di che avranno bisogno dopo la vita come hanno creduto. Sulle pareti, possiamo vedere il viaggio di giudizio dal dio Osoris, in cui il cuore si sarebbe pesato in un equilibrio contro una piuma & se non fosse pesante con i peccati, il pharaoh godrebbe una vita piacevole sulla terra di Osoris.

La Valle delle regine
Come la valle dei re, i Faraoni non hanno esitato a fare una valle per la sepoltura della loro regina. È denominato “il posto della bellezza„. Questa zona è stata usata per le mogli ed i bambini della famiglia di Roayal.
 Il più notevole è la tomba della regina Nefertari, la più cara moglie di Ramses ,il secondo, a causa dei suoi colori conservati.

I Colossi di Memnon   
Il tempio che deve accludere le due statue gigantesche è stato rovinato da lungo tempo, ma questi due hanno messo le figure a sedere del Faraone Amenophis, dando una testimonianza muta alla magnificazione del loro creatore più di 3000 anni dopo la sua morte. Quando hanno sofferto le crepe, i Greci le hanno chiamate dopo Memnon, l'eroe leggendario ucciso alla guerra di Trojan, che ogni mattina, la sua madre si chiama Eos , il dio di alba e lei piange con le lacrime che il loro simpolo è i dewdrops

Il tempio di Luxor
Il tempio magnifico di Luxor che ha ispirato Verdi di scrivere la sua opera famosa Aida, bugie sulla banca orientale del Nilo & essi sono stati dedicati alla moglie grande del dio Amoun. Ha un disegno unico che differisce da tutte gli altri tempi, le proprie colonne enormi che si sono modellate come il fiore del Papyrus ed il loto come un simpolo delll'unificazione dell'egitto superiore e più basso.

 Questo tempio rappresenta più di una religione ad un posto mentre mostra il resto della chiesa cristiana antica vicino alla moschea di Abu Haggag.

 Inizialmente è difficile di immaginare che il tempio di Luxor è “un minore “uno, ma un giro corto al tempio d'ispirazione in Karnak vi porterà faccia a faccia con l'egiziano Faraone che è il più grande monumento di tutti nell'Egitto.

Il tempio di Karnak
Il complesso di Karnak, consiste di parecchi tempi della bellezza grande, che è usato da tutti i re delll'Egitto che lasciano un simbolo di loro in esso per mantenere il loro nome immortal lungo storia, si trova nel nord di 3km del tempio di luxor, i due tempi sono stati collegati da un viale delle sfingi, ogni sfinge protegge, fra le relative zampe anteriori, una statua del re-- Ramesses II. È considerato uno delle costruzioni più grandi nel mondo con i suoi cancelli grandi, la sua magnificazione non si ferma all'entrata del tempio ma mentre andate più avanti all'interno del tempio, sarete stupiti dalle colonne grandi nel Hypostyle Corridoio. Altri limiti significativi del tempiale è il lago santo usato per purificazione in cui il re stava nuotando in esso con i dii in cui hanno creduto.

Il tempio di Hatshepsut

Ispirato da un tempio funerary del regno centrale, l'architetto della regina Hatshepsut Senenmout,ha costruito uno dei monumenti più bei dell'Egitto antico, lo stile di cui non è stato ripetuto mai, si è costruito come serie di terrazzi su una grande scala, con le colonne rigide che si mescolano dentro con il fianco di una montagna scanalato che aumenta dietro il tempio.

 Senenmut, che era il suo architetto, ha progettato il tempio della regina Hatshepsut. È stato regolato alla testa di una valle oscurata dal picco del Thebes, “l'amante di silenzio„. I rilievi dal lato del sud del terrazzo centrale mostrano la spedizione della regina via il mare rosso al Punt, la terra di incenso. Lungo la parte anteriore del terrazzo superiore, una linea di grandi, statue delicatamente sorridenti di Osiris della regina fuori sopra la valle. Nella tonalità delle colonne dietro, i rilievi brillantemente verniciati hanno decorato le pareti. All'entrata del tempio esistono le statue e le sfingi della regina proliferata.

Denderah & Abydos   

Il tempio si trova circa 160 chilometri da Luxor, esso è dedicato alla Dia Hathour, la moglie del dio Horus. È il tempio conservato migliore per le Die. Non dimenticar di visitare il tempio del suo marito il dio Horus a Edfu.
 Abydos è uno di più vecchi monumenti nell'Egitto. Il tempio bello del dio Osoris, costruito dal primo re Seti , uno dei re del diciannovesimo dynasty. Il tempio è situato al nord di Luxor.

L'Esposizione della luce & del suono a Karnak   

Lo spettacolo di Suone & Luce di Karnak racconta la drammatica storia dell'antica Tebe. Lo spettacolo narra le conquiste di alcuni grandi faraoni, con descrizioni poetiche degli antichi tesori. Lo spettatore cammina lungo i corridoi del tempio mentre i faraoni si risvegliano per raccontare l' avvincente storia della loro vita, mentre una musica mistica sembra misteriosamente diffondersi per l'antica città. Voci poetiche del passato raccontano al visitatore la nascita del tempio di Karnak e le eroiche conquiste dei faraoni e del dio Amon.
 Ascoltare gli effetti sonori speciali e ammirare le magnifiche rovine illuminat durante lo spettacolo sapientemente rappresentato e` un'esperienza magica che ha del fantastico.

Madinet HABU
Si trova sulla banca occidentale del Nilo a Luxor. Il tempio è considerato la decorazione migliore e l'esistenza più grande dei colori che si sono conservati con il tempo e sembrano come se siano disegnati non ieri notte ma oggi mattina.

Costa Rica Tours

voleva recarsi in Costa Rica, prima venne l'inverno a Chicago. Il pensiero di lussureggiante vegetazione, flora incredibile e il sole caldo è stato il mio pensiero per aiutare attraverso il grigio e il freddo dell'inverno Midwest. E, finora, ha funzionato!

Ho viaggiato il nostro programma "Esperienza Costa Rica e devo dire che era proprio come incredibile di persona come i client foto hanno rimandato per anni.

E 'una destinazione abbastanza vicino alla maggior parte di noi che vivono negli Stati Uniti che i collegamenti dei voli non sono un problema e il cambio di orario è minimo quindi il jet lag non è un problema. Questo è diventato davvero importante il giorno dopo l'arrivo durante le escursioni in montagna per visualizzare l'area Arenal da ponti sospesi o addirittura il giorno seguente per zipline (vedi video sotto) attraverso Monteverde Rainforest.

hotel zipline.jpgThe sul programma sono eccezionali. Molti di loro sono le destinazioni verso se stessi e mi consiglia di fare passare più tempo in ogni settore di sfruttare i servizi meraviglioso (compresi gli impianti termali), offerto a più di loro. E il cibo era squisito a ciascuno di essi.

Hurricane Tomas, che ha devastato i Caraibi, è diventato Tomas tempesta tropicale in Costa Rica. Ha creato colate di fango e distrutto numerosi villaggi, anche lavando la strada che conduce a Manuale Antonio National Park, che doveva essere la mia ultima fermata. Il percorso è stato modificato, mentre ero lì per sostituire la regione del Guanacaste. Il tempo si è notevolmente diversa e la spiaggia è stato un bel diversivo dalle montagne.
Il fiero popolo della Costa Rica sono accoglienti e ospitali in ogni zona ho viaggiato. Anche se non tutti parlano inglese, non è un problema per ottenere un punto attraverso. Certo, aiuta sicuramente ad avere un autista / guida! Ho avuto la fortuna di avere una persona eccezionale mi guida che ha viaggiato con i nostri clienti in passato.

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